Juan Williams, Co-Director
Romana's Pilates cerfitied since 2003
Pilates was introduced into Juan's workout routine as an aid for tight hamstrings; a result of hobbies like volleyball and spinning. It was not long before he could feel the benefits of the system. The Pilates method deals with precision, alignment, and movement; all aspects that Juan learned to value during the completion of his Master of Architecture I at Tulane University. "From the drafting board to the Pilates equipment; I guess I'm still looking for the beauty of lines." For Juan, it was not enough to just personally practice the method. He felt a need to aid others in achieving their own goals with the Pilates system. For his certification, Juan moved to NYC for an independent study under Romana Kryzanowska and her daughter Sari. "With such a change of career, I needed to guarantee my education to be the best one possible." Since that time, he has earned teacher trainer status and a partnership in the Studio. With these two accomplishments he has been able to assist his partner Larry with the day to day studio operations, as well as training future instructors. For him, it is an honor to have these tools to aid preserve the quality of product and client satisfaction that Uncle Joe’s Studio stands for.